In as much as technology affects the way we live, learn, work and play, it shapes the environment that we inhabit. When technological innovation accelerates change in these patterns, the gap widens between reality and ambition. This gap, or "space of potential", creates opportunity for exploration, and lays tracks where new patterns develop. Technology is shifting the continuity between space and time, blurring conventional boundaries that once distinguished home from office, public from private and physical from virtual. Our architectural services are intended to fill this gap.

Architectural Design and
Consulting Services

Space Planning
Interior Design
Strategic Facilities Planning
Retail and Commercial
Residential and Housing
Recreational and Entertainment
Educational and Developmental

Workplace and
Lifestyle Design

Home/Office Automation
Portable Workspaces
Conference Rooms
Booth Design
Team Rooms

Visualization and Design Technology
3d Modeling and Rendering
Animation and Interactive Walkthroughs
Facilities Database Programming
Collaborative Design Technologies